FT. LAUDERDALE, Fla. – The Broward League of Cities, a non-partisan, non-profit organization comprised of elected officials from Broward County’s 31 municipal governments, is taking a variety of proactive steps to help municipalities reduce expenses without cutting the quality of life for their residents. The organization created a Fiscal Stewardship Committee dedicated to actively monitoring current financial issues facing municipalities, identifying revenue generating opportunities and strategies in areas of service consolidation and fee examination.
“The Broward League of Cities is taking a proactive approach to current revenue challenges by sharing information and providing an open forum to discuss the best options for each city,” said Wilton Manors Mayor Gary Resnick, current president of the Broward League of Cities. “We want to create an environment where cities discuss realistic budgetary options and recommendations with one another.”
Leading by example, the League is tightening its budget with measures such as reducing its membership dues and investigating initiatives to curb health insurance and pension plan costs. It continues researching the potential fiscal advantages of group purchasing and monitoring legislative discussions on the state group health insurance and prescription drug coverage programs.
Under the home rule principal, each city will determine how to balance its budget and the measures it will take to compensate for revenue decreases. The League will provide guidance and research, as may be requested, to help each city arrive at the best decision for its residents.
“Amid anticipation of significant revenue declines and discussions of tax increases, even small gestures can help alleviate the financial challenges Broward’s cities are facing,” said Resnick.
About Broward League of Cities
Chartered in 1957, the Broward League of Cities is a non-partisan, non-profit organization representing the 31 municipal governments and more than 80 associate government, non-profit and business organizations within Broward County. The organization is dedicated to increasing awareness and providing resolutions to issues that affect day-to-day operations at the county, state, and federal levels. Read more at www.browardleague.org and visit the Broward League of Cities blog for more information on the organization and its Fiscal Stewardship Committee.