Anonymous donor makes significant contribution in support of shark genomic research; Scientific breakthrough could have major implications on human health

The Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation (GHOF) is excited to announce that they have received a $300,000 USD donation in support of shark genomic work being done at the Guy Harvey Research Institute (GHRI) at Nova Southeastern University. The GHRI recently announced that it has successfully decoded the entire white shark genome, which could have major implications for human health. Shark’s genetic makeup makes them predisposed to low cancer rates, rapid wound healing and anti-aging characteristics.
“We are only beginning to understand the evolutionary traits that have made sharks such incredibly successful species and how those traits might impact human health. However, this work is very expensive,” says world renowned artist, biologist and GHOF Chairman, Dr. Guy Harvey. “Without the support of generous individuals like this, none of this groundbreaking work would be possible.”
The donor, who wishes to remain anonymous, has committed $100,000 USD per year over the next three years to continue and expand this genomic research.
In a statement, the donor said, “It is my great honor to help support the GHOF shark genomic research. The decoding of the shark’s genome is a momentous scientific achievement and I believe further research will prove useful in applications to human medicine in combating weak immune systems, cancers and age-related diseases. Knowing how these genes protect the shark from cancer will be a huge benefit for humans. Further research is imperative. It is therefore, my hope that my donation will inspire other philanthropists to join me in my support of this exciting and life-changing endeavor.”
To learn more about this revolutionary study, please visit:
About the Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation:
The Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation (GHOF) conducts scientific research and hosts educational programs aimed at conserving the marine environment. The GHOF also funds affiliated researchers working to better understand our ocean ecosystem and educators helping to foster the next era of marine conservationists. The GHOF will help ensure that future generations can enjoy and benefit from a properly balanced ocean ecosystem.
About NSU’s Guy Harvey Research Institute:
Established in 1999, the Guy Harvey Research Institute (GHRI) is a collaboration between the renowned marine artist, scientist and explorer, Dr. Guy Harvey, and Nova Southeastern University. The mission of NSU’s GHRI is to provide the scientific information necessary to understand, conserve, and effectively manage the world’s marine fishes and their ecosystems. The institute is one of only a handful of private organizations dedicated exclusively to the science-based conservation of marine fish populations and biodiversity. The research, education and outreach activities of NSU’s GHRI are supported by the Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation, AFTCO Inc., extramural research grants, philanthropic donations by private businesses and individuals, and NSU. Please visit for more information.