Pierson Grant works with the MorseLife Health System and the MorseLife Foundation in West Palm Beach to publicize ongoing MorseLife research efforts that benefit senior living and care.
Among those projects is a study involving the use of cannabis-based therapies in place of opioids and other pharmaceuticals for seniors suffering memory loss and anxiety. The study was led by Florida Atlantic University School of Medicine researchers.
Our messaging strategies designed to advance their work ultimately helped MorseLife achieve successful legislation in Tallahassee to become the only senior care facility in Florida licensed to implement cannabis-based therapies.
Publicity generated by Pierson Grant helped launch other exciting MorseLife programs based on scientific studies, including the MorseLife Tele-Health pilot program that added home-based support and trauma counseling to regular telehealth visits. The combination was particularly effective for veterans, Holocaust survivors and other seniors living with the aftermath of significant life trauma.
Another MorseLife study focused on pioneering new therapies using virtual reality to maintain cognitive connections for seniors living with Alzheimer’s Disease and other types of memory loss. Now in its application phase, the program is producing transformative benefits for MorseLife patients. The resulting publicity we generated in regional media has been highly effective for building visibility and generating inquiries from target markets.
Pierson Grant also produces professional quality videos, printed brochures and websites to share information about MorseLife programs. For the MorseLife Foundation, we focus our efforts on donor communication in all forms of media.