Funds will support early childhood education and local families struggling during COVID-19

NAIOP South Florida, a Commercial Real Estate Development Association, has donated $20,719 to Jack & Jill Children’s Center, the oldest non-profit provider of early childhood education in Broward County, with proceeds from NAIOP South Florida’s 34th annual golf tournament.
“We are so pleased to present this donation to an amazing non-profit organization that does meaningful work with children and families in our community,” said NAIOP South Florida Executive Director Jules R. Morgan. “Due to the challenges of the pandemic, we postponed our annual golf tournament by several months. Thankfully in the end, we were able hold the event and donate the earnings to Jack & Jill Children’s Center.”
In addition to supporting the critical needs of families struggling with the unanticipated consequences of COVID-19, funds raised for Jack & Jill Children’s Center will help educate children of high-need working families while offering family strengthening programs so that parents and children can gain the necessary skills to succeed in life. Over the past five years, NAIOP South Florida has raised more than $100,000 for the organization.
“The effects of the pandemic continue to reverberate throughout our local community, with families hard hit by evictions, pay cuts, food insecurity, socially distanced schooling and limited after-school programing,” said Heather Siskind, Chief Executive Officer, Jack & Jill Children’s Center. “This generous donation from NAIOP South Florida will help us continue our programs to ease the growing burden many families are facing.”
Visit NAIOP South Florida’s new website,, for more information on upcoming events, commercial real estate news, membership and more.