Omaha Scores in AFC Championship Game

As Peyton Manning, along with the rest of the Denver Broncos, makes his way to the Big Game, he will be bringing what has become a signature word in his cadence: “3, 7, 3,7 hut, hut, OMAHA, hut.”

It’s certainly generated priceless publicity for Omaha. It’s been a topic of discussion on ESPN, numerous radio broadcasts and online. The Greater Omaha Convention and Visitors Bureau and Omaha Steaks took advantage of the opportunity tweeting thanks to Manning.

So it got us thinking . . . What if when he wants to throw to Julius Thomas or sets it up as a decoy, he says “3, 7, 3, 7, hut, hut, Orange Julius, hut?” That would be a home run for our client Dairy Queen and Orange Julius.

This could also be viewed as a potential sponsorship opportunity for individual teams or the NFL. Or better yet, what if teams picked charities to create awareness? How about: “3, 7, 3, 7, hut, hut, RED CROSS, hut.” Or how about highlighting local non-profits? Here in South Florida, it can be: “3, 7, 3, 7, hut, hut, CHILDNET, hut” or “3, 7, 3, 7, hut hut, YAA, hut” – to highlight two Pierson Grant clients ChildNet and Young At Art Museum. It might be a better sell to the NFL and to teams if the focus was on charities.

Or why not have a contest on social media? Teams can ask for suggestions. The winner of the word or phrase chosen wins tickets to a game or even a meet and greet with the quarterback. What better way to engage fans, and for some teams, it will fill seats that otherwise remain empty.

But you have to wonder what it would be worth to companies for this type of on-air exposure. Maybe it can be sold as added value to an existing sponsor. Our client BankUnited, with a presence in Florida and New York, is a sponsor of both the Miami Dolphins and New York Jets. I can already hear Dolphins QB Ryan Tannehill now, “Blue 98, blue 98, hut, hut, BANKUNITED, hut.”

Maybe our negotiation with the Dolphins next year might just include a discussion of Ryan’s new cadence at the line. This could be another new PR opportunity in the making.